Portfolio All Animation Biology Chemistry Engineering Illustration Physics Space Illustration of a light mutant Illustration of a SARS-CoV-2 spike and antibodies HydroGNSS satellites for SSTL Ciliary microtubule illustration for Harvard University Illustration of Perforin 2 ELSA-m mission animation for Astroscale COSMIC mission animation for Astroscale Illustrations of Quantum Tweezers Illustration of yeast nuclear pore Illustration of a nuclear pore Illustration of a pilus machine Illustration of a gene transfer agent (GTA) Illustration of C17 Illustration of a DNA lattice Illustrations of clathrin Illustration of ciliary C1 central pair Ilustration of Bacteria flow traps Illustration of AI Quantum Intelligence Improved anti-inflammatory therapy for a mouse brain, for The Babraham Bacteria binning illustration for Harvard University Astroscale line of docking plate adaptors Therapy to boost regulatory T-cell levels in the brain, for The Babraham LaGrange satellite for Airbus LEXI space debris removal animation for Astroscale Infection network for Harvard University E coli gene regulatory network for Harvard University Bacterial lineage illustration for Harvard University Illustration of Alumina-protected Zinc Sulfide Particles Illustration of Digital vs Quantum Intelligence Illustration of quantum quintet device for Hitachi Cambridge Labs Teaser animation for Astroscale’s LEXI space debris removal mission Parabiosis animation for The Babraham Titania satellite animation for DSTL Illustration of Cancer Organoids for Stanford University ADRAS-J space removal animation for Astroscale Microglia animation for The Babraham Human Serum Albumin (HSA) illustrations for University of Nottingham ELSA-d space debris removal animation for Astroscale Death by Antibiotics for Harvard University Microtubule assembly for Harvard University Fitness landscape illustration for Harvard University Bacterial Family Trees for Harvard University Transcription illustration for Harvard University Gold Nanoparticles Nanoparticle Assembly Update to SSTL / Goonhilly Lunar Pathfinder space mission New animated logo for SSTL Earth-i satellite animations SSRI quantum computer animation for Hitachi Labs VAMP animation for SSTL FORUM satellite for Airbus Illustration of quantum DRAM for Hitachi Cambridge Labs Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) Sugar Illustration for University of Nottingham Testosterone Influenza virus Streptococcus Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Prostate specific antigen Vitamin D High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) DNA mutagenesis for Stanford University Quantum Network Illustration for University of Stuttgart Space Debris illustration Bacteria illustrations for Harvard University NovaSAR animation for SSTL DNA computation illustration for Microsoft Research FLEX satellite illustration for Airbus Defence & Space CRISPR Cas-9 Illustration InflateSail animation for Surrey Space Centre Airbus ENS end-of-year summary video 2016 Transistor Illustration for Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory Haemoglobin for Sekisui Diagnostics SSTL / Goonhilly Lunar Pathfinder space mission Update to RemoveDEBRIS animation for Surrey Space Centre Treponema pallidum illustration for Sekisui Diagnostics T-Cell Illustration for Pint of Science Illustrations of neuron thirst for UC San Francisco Alsat Nano launch for Surrey Space Centre BBC Earth – Origins of Life videos on DNA, RNA and ATP Nanosat Launch vehicle for British Interplanetary Society Space Junk Clean-up at the Royal Society New Space showreel Nuclear fusion educational animations – for Science Photo Library Illustration of Biomass Satellite for Airbus Defence & Space GMP-A satellite animation for SSTL Epic zoom – atom to galaxy XeBRA Satcom product video How things work – educational animation clips – for Science Photo Library Physics educational animation clips – batch #2 – for Science Photo Library Genetics animation clips Medical Illustration / GNSI Source Books Gaviscon Mode of Action animation Illustration for Nottingham University; Darwinian selection of proteins Microsoft’s DNA Strand Displacement tool (DSD) Illustrations of NPL’s TRUTHS satellite Illustration of Neuron for Pint of Science, Cambridge Illustration for Gilead’s journal article in Science Illustrations for Microsoft Research Microsoft’s Bio Model Analyzer (BMA) SSTL-300S1 Illustrations for Surrey Satellite Technology Illustration of Bacterial Growth for Harvard University Formosat-7 Illustrations for Surrey Satellite Technology Medical Illustration / GNSI Source Books CABI – glucoCEST MRI technique Europa Penetrator animation Synaesthesia illustration for Ionic Magazine Illustrations of synthetic biology for Synberc Diamond jewelery Illustration of Surface Plasmon Polariton microcavities for Dalhousie University Easter Eggs Live – data visualisation STRaND-1 nano-satellite 3D printed Solar Orbiter UKube-1 cubesat payload animation Illustrations for Surrey Satellite Technology Ionic Magazine – Issue 2 Satcom product video Sentinel 1 and 2 animations Saturn animations Airborne Satcoms product video Jupiter animations Clinical Dementia Testing ESA’s Solar Orbiter, Evolved Naval Satcoms product video Quantum Computing Illustrations Patrol/helicopter animation – Secure Satcom Systems UAV helicopter animation – Secure Satcom Systems Epigenetics animations On the Cover of Science Magazine Physics educational animation clips – for Science Photo Library Epigenetics animations for Windfall Films NSF/Science Sci-Vis contest 2010 Nobel prize (Chemistry) Creating Life – the new field of Synthetic Biology One million views at one thousand mph! Royal Society Summer Exhibition Teachers TV – Genes and Disease Fractal science Lego building blocks (a.k.a. DNA) Bloodhound SSC in stereoscopic 3D (via Youtube) Interview with Chemistry World IMechE animation – How Nuclear Works Equinox Graphics at the Space IGS launch New Bloodhound SSC viral! Budget cuts at Bloodhound SSC Second Life development for Nature